
Our best selling software package

Comprehensive Tax Software for Desktop

The desktop application is a comprehensive Tax Software for both Individuals, Corporations (1120,1120S, 1065, 1041,706,709, 990 and 5500) and All States. You have the ability to E-file everything that can be. The most impressive part of our program is not the 100’s of forms we support but the intuitive design that allows preparers of all levels to efficiently and accurately prepare tax returns. There is so much to talk about that we really should just show you!

Quick Return Status

Find clients easily, check return status, and access customer information with an easy-to-access tool that makes search and reference quick and easy.

Paperless Office

Running a paperless office is essential in the digital era. Our software pairs allows you to capture signatures, store, and deliver documents.

Client Retention

Our software offers a reporting tool that allows you to quickly build mailing lists, extract client emails and identify clients that have not yet returned during the season.

Rejected Returns

Staying on top of your rejected tax returns is very important, so our software makes it obvious and easy to access. The program takes out all the guess work as to why a return was rejected and provides a very clear definition of why the IRS sent it back for faster resolution

Learn more about the advantage of being a partner with us

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We provide software for managing complicated taxes end-to-end.